Monday, January 23, 2012

Early Blooms

On the way to work I noticed a few spring bulbs poking out of the ground and I wanted to shout, "Hold on guys! It's still winter!" But it's too late. They are confused and are emerging into a windy winter instead of a warm spring. Our relatively warm December signaled to the bulbs that it was spring and so they started to grow. If this has happened to any of your bulbs, I came across this great trick from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden to shield these early bloomers.

Photo by Sarah Schmidt

Any holiday greenery still on hand will protect these emerging bulbs from the oncoming wind and frigid temperatures. If any flower buds start to form, pinch them off to delay bloom and, usually, a bulb can reproduce another flower by the time spring comes around, which isn't soon enough!

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Desk

Sitting at my desk today I realized that I have slowly accumulated A LOT of plants. It is almost as if a small garden is sprouting around my computer and will eventually engulf my work space. I think I would be OK with that. :)

The newest addition to my desk garden is the Camellia Bonsai that Simon gave me for my birthday! I have only seen this plant as a tree in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden so I was very surprised to see it in miniature, bonsai-scale. 

I have never owned a bonsai before. They require a lot of pruning and vigilant care so I hope that I can keep up with its high maintenance. It will bloom all winter and, come spring, should be pruned and then placed outside in the shade.

Thanks Simon!

If I had a backyard...

...I would totally make a cinder block garden wall!

For some inspiration check out: Potted, Digging, and Urban Gardens .