Sunday, April 3, 2011

Plant Propagation

Plants are amazing. Each plant cell has a complete set of that plant's DNA which allows ANY part of the plant to become a new root, stem, or leaf. When a plant is injured it begins to form callus cells to cover the wound. Once the callus cells sufficiently cover the wound they then start to decide what part of the plant they need to become: a root, stem, or leaf. This amazing trait is what plant propagation is all about, making a lot of plants from one plant. Most plants can easily be propagated from stem and root tissue, but some plants can sprout new plants from a single leaf. Succulents are one type of plant that can be propagated this way so I took a single leaf from a Graptoveria plant and laid it on the surface of a container filled with turfis and waited. About a month later this happened!
Hot pink roots and a whole new plant is starting to emerge at the tip of this leaf! 

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