Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Golden Nuggets

Well. I am a month late starting my tomato seeds. Between being in India for most of February and my seeds being lost in the mail for most of March, I have not been able to start the germination process until now. In a way, I am glad I waited this long since today is the perfect day to start my seeds for two fabulous reasons. One, it is the first day of spring! Which means the hours of daylight are equal to the hours of darkness and, to mark the occasion, Google had a great Marimekko inspired logo today:

A second reason why it is an especially fine day to start my tomato seeds is that today is the one year anniversary of my blog! Woo-hoo!

This year I have decided to try my hand at growing cherry tomatoes. Using the usually reliable Johnny's Selected Seeds I purchased golden cherry tomato seeds aptly named "Golden Nugget." They are apparently great for containers, easy to grow, and *bonus* organic.

Using the same steps outlined from last year here, I poked holes in some paper cups, filled them with moist germination mix, dropped the small seeds in a shallow hole, lightly covered and watered them, and placed them in the window. Fifty-six days later, these little seeds will be mature plants and ready to go outside. Let's hope it goes better than it did last year. :)


  1. YAY! congrats on your blogaversary :)

    I need your help, I have a black thumb, I want to grow some herbs on my porch but they always die -- teach me your ways!

  2. Thanks Kate!

    Which direction does your porch face? Herbs unfortunately need a lot of sun. Let me know and we can figure out what should work!
