Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Basil-Cilantro Pesto

My friend Reilly recently harvested a bountiful amount of fresh basil and cilantro from his fire escape garden and wasn't sure what to do with all of it. I thought what better way to use these fragrant, fresh herbs than to make pesto!

To make this pesto recipe you will need a large handful of basil, an equally large handful of cilantro, half a lemon, two to three garlic gloves (depending on your love of garlic), sliced almonds, olive oil, and salt. Also, a very sharp knife and cutting board. We are doing this by hand people! First, make a small pile in the middle of your cutting board with about a quarter of your basil and cilantro.

Typically, when Italians make pesto by hand they use a tool called a mezzaluna, or half moon. This tool allows you to rock back and forth, easily slicing through your herbs. However, if you're like me, and don't have a mezzaluna, you can replicate this motion with your knife.

When you've thoroughly chopped half the amount of basil and cilantro, put your garlic cloves on top of your pesto pile and continue the rocking motion of your knife to incorporate. Then, sprinkle about 1/3 cup of slice almonds on your freshly sliced mound.

Making pesto by hand is a lot harder and more time consuming then just throwing your ingredients in a food processer, but the aroma you get from thinly slicing the herbs yourself is worth the sweat and calluses. When you have thoroughly incorporated your almonds and garlic cloves try to create a little pesto ball with your hands.

If it stays clumped and upright in a tight mound, then the consistency is perfect!

Transfer your mound to a small bowl and drizzle with olive oil, lemon, and salt to taste. Spread on a piece of good bread and enjoy with friends! Here's Reilly chowin' down :)

Other classic pesto combinations are basil/pine nuts/parmesan cheese, peas/parmesan cheese/garlic, arugula/pistachio/garlic, and cilantro/jalapenos/pine nuts. All delicious!

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